Buying a Car Seat? There is only one way to transport your little Bambino home from the hospital, and that is in a car seat (unless you are one of the few that has a home birth – but you would still need a car seat to transport your little Bambino around). Or maybe you […]
Category Archives: Car Seat
Choosing a car seat can be a very daunting process with many options available to you. Which of the “car seat features” are just marketing slang and which are the essentials that you truly need? Our experts weigh in on which car seat features are necessities and which are the “nice-to-have’s”.
Car seat mistakes are more common than you think. The sobering truth is that every day children lose their lives on our roads. Many of these common mistakes can be avoided. Read our post for tips on car seat safety.
Welcome to the world of parenthood! In this ever-changing world, even if this isn’t your first child, there are lots of things you are going to need to learn. This precious bundle is your to protect and keep safe. We are here to help guide you through one of your big decisions – the Car […]
SPS (Side Protection System), Isofix, i-size…with all the jargon related to car seats and safety it can be easy to get confused with all the new abbreviations and terms. Some of the adverts read like a foreign language and moms are left clueless as to what is the best choice for their precious cargo. Here […]
Second hand car seat? The arrival of a new bundle of joy can be exciting and often daunting. There is no denying that these little cherubs are going to cost you a small fortune over the years. Considering the cost of a car seat, stroller, camp cot and other high ticket items it can be […]
This is a common question that we are asked by concerned parents, with the ISOFIX being one of the new buzzwords in car seat safety. We give an explanation as to what this is and the advantages that it offers to parents.